Review by Lloyd Neilsen.

Review by Trevor Jurd.

Review by Lloyd Neilsen.

Del’s ‘My Country Life’ has certainly drawn many parallels to my own childhood through the sixties and the hardships endured by my ancestors who immigrated from Scandinavia in the 1800’s.
Although I was born and raised in Far North Queensland, life back then varied little to the life events that Del relates so precisely throughout this great read told in days before television and supermarkets, when a man’s handshake was his word and parents disciplined children not the police.
To the chilling facts of the Second Would War and the massive sacrifice made by a young country - great story written by a true Australian.
Alan Pedersen

It’s a good thing Del Richards has written his life story...
During his rich and varied life in rural Australia he has enjoyed the company of countless numbers of inspirational people, of diverse backgrounds and talents, whose indomitable spirits captured his admiration & further-inspired his zest for life... despite some challenging times along the way.
Del derives immense pleasure from engaging with others and being an excellent listener, observer, communicator and record keeper it seems only right that he has put pen to paper and shared his many friendships...along with the lifelong experiences and adventures that saw dreams become realities.
However Del’s book is not limited to nostalgic reminiscences and subjects of immense interest to him like the ‘realities’ of World War Two.
He has very strong views about Australian society in this day and age which may challenge your ideologies. So be prepared for a stimulating debate... with a good friend, of course!
Pat Morrish - Past presenter ABC Cairns

Some more heart~felt letters of connection...
“My Country Life ….for what it’s worth”. I should say it is worth a great deal to both the author and to the history of country life in Australia.
It is rare to find a story that chronicles so clearly the lives people led and still lead in agricultural Australia; in Del’s case starting in the Singleton area of NSW. This is an update for those interested in the history and foundation of the Australian way of life following on from such authors as Ion Idriess, Mary Durak, Xavier Herbert and others.
I have learnt so much about life in the country with dairy farming, working horses and rodeo riding – all aspects of life here that I knew nothing about. In particular, I enjoyed reading about the trip to Cape York Peninsula in northern Queensland in 1972 that was so descriptive that I felt I accompanied them all the way.
Thank Goodness that so many photographs and memories have survived to bring these stories alive.
Thank you for writing your book to add to this country’s history. I am so glad that I met you at exactly the right time to be able to obtain a copy to add to my knowledge of this great country.
Cynthia Williams
Hello Del! I enjoyed a bit of down time while camping in the peace of the woods. Thus, I had an opportunity to enjoy reading the rest of your book. I can’t believe how much information you put into that book! Amazing! You certainly have had a varied and colourful life. I am impressed with your life experience which has given you an opportunity to learn so much in so many fields. But it surely has not been an easy road! You came out on top!
I can imagine that every Australian, in NSW particularly, would savour all those details of life in Singleton in it’s beginning, all the names of families and activities. Even I could relate to the horse and wagon delivering milk and the big event of going to the store!
Thank you for the copy of your book! A treasure of information....and quite a story!
Well, Del, thanks again for sharing stories, but, also, reflective thoughts on life that show fine values.
Sandra Thomson - Canada
This book is a “must read” particularly those who live in or have an association with the bush. It covers the development of eastern and northern Australia and more so the Hunter region in N.S.W. to where his descendants immigrated.
There the author's family made a significant contribution, particularly in the area of primary production. From a youngster, this volume is a chronicle of events that shaped his life, in a time before personal technology was even thought of.
You'll read of Delwyn as a cattleman, rodeo competitor, traveller, property manager, lucerne farmer, ornithologist and all round good bloke.
The depth of research into facts and incidents throughout this book is obvious. Particularly those events relating to the Second World War affecting Australia, more especially on our front line across the north.
It is laced with many amusing anecdotes and happenings from country life throughout and these will certainly keep the reader interested.
Ken Sinclair